David Lapadat – To Love & To Last (editura Smart Publishing, 2018): După cîteva contacte în viața muzicală britanică, la
Londra, David Lapadat și-a reunit o parte din versurile cîntecelor sale în
limba engleză într-un foarte frumos volum dedicat Ruxandrei Andreea Bănică,
apreciată drept ”The best”. Cartea este pusă sub motto-ul ”Hang on!
Soulssometimes get lost…”, ceea ce ar putea suna ca un avertisment: ”Atenție,
vă puteți pierde sufletul, salvați-l prin iubire!”, pentru că întregul volum
este pus sub semnul dragostei. Absolvent strălucit al Liceului Sf. Sava din
Capitală, David Lapadat confirmă, atît în muzica sa, cît și în versuri,
preocuparea pentru matematică din timpul adolescenței, creațiile sale
evidențiind o construcție carteziană, echilibrată, bine gîndită din toate
punctele de vedere. Volumul include 58 de poeme, parte din ele puse pe muzică
(cartea este însoțită de altfel de CD-ul intitulat "People Need To Cry”)
în cîntece cunoscute marelui public. (extras din recenzia semnată de Octavian
I am
drunk all the time
I drink from the flower of beauty
I'm drunk after I read a poem
I'm drunk after a every kiss
I'm drunk even when I'm not
I'm feeling free to change drunk with
what you please
I'm drunk, I'm happy, I'm sad, I'm
angry, I'm sick
I am a poem, I am a song
I am a devil, I am a god
I am
and that's the beauty of it.
dying rose
Would you trust a dying rose
To give your soul, fulfill your duty
a lifetime in seconds to close
And forever be a part of beauty
Would you believe it if you saw
Death falling like an anchor
The frail tears of a dying rose
The endless feelings left to conquer
Would you believe it if you heard
The cry of a dying rose
Would you set free the weeping bird
Would you trust the dying rose?
Would you trust a dying rose
Give your soul, fulfill your duty
a lifetime in seconds to close
And forever be a part of beauty.
If I
was to be a poem
If I was to be a poem
What poem would I be
Will my words be shackled in rhymes
Or Will my words be free
If I was to be a poem
Would I be part of poetry
Would I be a part of heaven
Like all the poems before me
If I was to be a poem
Would I touch divinity
Or would I be a bit too late
Like all the poems afterme?
While I
am awake
While I am awake
The wine awakes inside me
And it's tempting me
With something I'll soon forget
and my soul is melting through the heart
the left side of my shirt is now wet
and with your right hand, my love, you
try to stop it
I hope you feel more than just cold
but just with words I swear again my
Words that carry the smell of
cigarettes, cigars
On the left side I feel a hole inside me
Lift the pain, my love, and leave only
the scars.
I try to go to bed
I lay down with the conscience of a man
who knows he won't fall asleep
The music stopped
But I still have someone's poetry book
near my pillow when my love's not around.
And I hear the water running through the
The echoes of footsteps on the alley
I let my mind roam free
On the paths drawn on the sheets of my
We all possess things
We don't understand
Like phones & love & souls.
Copyright © 2018 David
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